
Welcome to the BuildLACCD Page for Contractors

This page details current and upcoming projects including and not limited to:

  1. Requests for Bid
  2. Requests for Qualifications
  3. Request for Proposals and
  4. Task Order Bidding


Register your firm on PlanetBids by selecting the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that most accurately defines your firm’s business and your firm will receive automatic notifications when projects are planning or posted.

This section of the website is also intended to be a resource for existing vendors and consultants on the BuildLACCD Building Program.  This section includes; forms & templates, design standards and many other valuable resources for your use.

Open Procurements

RFP for Properties for Delivery of Housing to LACCD Students Professional Services Bidding 04/04/2025 2:00 pm
RFQ - WLAC - Dr. Morris J. Heldman Center (Building Demolition) Construction Bidding 03/06/2025 2:00 pm
Last updated: 2025-02-14 00:45:03

Upcoming Procurements


Job Order Contracting (JCOC)

For DSA Updates and Information

LACCD Construction Safety

The Program Safety Manager is responsible for the following:

  • Provides general oversight and monitoring of district-wide construction safety programs,
  • Coordinates the orientation of all College Project Team safety staff, and
  • Verifies that Section 013150 (the Build-LACCD Health, Safety, and Environmental Requirements) is implemented and observed

BuildLACCD Construction Safety Contact: Steve Fraser

Preliminary Notices | Stop Payment Notices | Release of Stop Payment Notices

All Original Preliminary Notices| Stop Payment Notices | Release of Stop Payment Notices should be sent to the below address at the Program Management Office.

BuildLACCD Program Management Office
1055 Corporate Center Drive
Monterey Park, CA. 91754

Attention: Dispute Management Group

Contact :

Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP)

The information presented in this guide is intended to serve as a guide for the administration of the Los Angeles Community College District’s LACCD Owner Controlled Insurance Program for Contractors, Subcontractors, College Project Managers, and others who are part of Build-LACCD. This guide serves as a ready reference tool and every effort has been made to assure accuracy. However, the construction contract documents between the individual Contractor and the District, and the insurance policies are the governing documents defining responsibilities and roles of the various parties. In the event of conflict between this document and the contract documents or the insurance policies, the contracts or policies will govern. This guide is subject to change and reissue as needed to remain concurrent with changes in the program.

Click Here for the OCIP Guide

Procurement Frequently Asked Questions

There is a “News & Events” section at the Online Vendor Portal. Check this field often for news and schedules of events.

There may be several possibilities why a proposal was not received. There are three common reasons why a proposal or bid is not received:

  1. A proposer only clicked on the “Save” button not the “Submit” button when placing an “eBid”. Verify, when your firm’s proposal or bid is ready to submit, your firm chooses the “Submit” button. Once the proposal or bid is successfully submitted, the firm will receive a confirmation number. Retain this number in your records for proof of submittal.
  2. An additional addendum was issued for the project. Review the additional addendum, edit your firm’s bid or proposal, acknowledge the final addendum and re-submit your firm’s proposal or bid. A new confirmation number will be issued. Retain this number for your firm’s records and proof of submission.
  3. A proposer or bidder attempts to submit a proposal or bid near the closing time for proposals and bids. In this case, traffic at the Online Vendor Portal may be high and the size of files being uploaded may slow the system. Firms are encourage to begin uploading proposals or bids no later than twenty (20) minutes prior to the closing time for the proposal or bid. This will mitigate proposals or bids being rejected as not being completely uploaded prior to the closing time.

When asking questions under the “Q&A” tab for a project, enter one question per pop-up window. Although, the PMO will answer multiple questions per pop-up window there are times when multiple questions in a pop-up window may be missed or truncated. Asking one question per pop-up “Q&A” window will insure responses.

Visit the Online Vendor Portal and check the “Stage” column for the particular project. If an “Award” is made for that project the “Stage” column will indicate “Awarded” in the “Stage” column. To review the “Award” double-click on the project and when the project opens navigate to the “Awarded” tab in the project window. Below the “Award” tab there is a field titled “Award To”. This field will indicate a single or multiple award for a specific project. If there are multiple “Awards” click on the “Award To” field and a pop-up window will display with a list of “Awarded” firms.

Please review the column titled “Stage” at PlanetBIDS for the status of the project. All projects in process will have a green font and will indicate either “Bidding” or “Planning”.

All projects indicated as “Bidding” in the “Stage” column will have the details of the project and the relevant documents posted under “Documents & Attachments” tab.

If the project is “Planning” under the “Stage” column then the details and documents are not final. The Program Management Office (PMO) uses this feature on PlanetBids to notify interested parties of upcoming projects. Interested parties then may begin preparing to respond and schedule resources for upcoming projects.

Often, once all project related documents and details are posted at, the tender period is compressed. Providing interested parties notice of projects in “Planning” allows them to prepare and present a qualified response for a compressed schedule.

Verify your email address is current and accurate at the Online Vendor Portal.

Log into your account at PlantBIDS, and:
1) Navigate to the “Company Info Tab”
2) Scroll to the “Main Contact” fields
3) Review and edit both the “Email” field and “Alternate Email” field for accuracy.

If the email address your firm provided to receive notifications for a specific project is correct and in either one of these fields and that address is not receiving notifications, check to see which email address was used to register for the particular project. The email address used to login and register for the specific project is the email address of record and will receive all notifications for the duration of the project.

All RFB, RFQ, RFP and Task Order requests are created by identifying a NAICS designation. To receive automatic notification of projects of interest to your firm, enter all applicable NAICS codes.

NAICS stands for North American Industry Classification System and is “the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.”

  1. Please visit the Build-LACDD website here: and select the “Contracting & Bidding Site” link;
  2. On the next page, please follow the link in the bright yellow banner titled “Online Vendor Portal”;
  3. The next page is the Los Angeles Community College District web page hosted by PlanetBids;
  4. Select the “New Vendor Registration” tab and you will navigate to an online form to register your firm;
  5. The form consists of five tabs appearing at the top of the page from left to right;
  6. Complete all required fields in each sheet denoted by a red *;
  7. On the Category/Description tab you may identify your firm’s business type by using one of the NAICS codes provided;
  8. In the section titled “Categories” click the “ADD” button;
  9. Highlight each “Category” for which your firm wishes to receive notifications and “Add” them from the left column to the right column.
  10. Once complete, click the “;Register” button on the bottom right hand page.